UNDP supports peer-to-peer awareness raising on COVID-19 among political leaders

July 21, 2020

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To contribute to the national response against COVID-19 pandemic, the Women Political Platform (PPM, Portuguese acronym) with United Nations Development Programme, UNDP technical support and the Government of Canada Financial contribution, launched an initiative that aims at preventing the virus propagation through behavioral change.

As part of this initiative, PPM is carrying out a series of Djumbais (discussion/debates in creole) in several regions of the country (Tombali, Quinara, Bafatá, Oio, Cacheu, Biombo e SAB) with parliamentarians and local authorities on COVID-19 as well as the role of political leaders in the prevention and response.

The first Djumbai took place on July 11 in the Southern region of the country, most specifically in Catio, and counted with the participation of parliamentarian and local authorities and representative of political parties of the southern regions of Quinara and Catio.

The second Djumbai took place on the past 18th of July in Bafata gathering the parliamentarian and local leaders of the Eastern regions of Gabu and Bafata.

Around 20 people already participated to these peer-to-peer awareness raising sessions – Djumbais, that offer a space for reflection and dialogue on the role of the political leaders as role models and incentive for the respect of the preventive measures as a way of preventing the virus propagation. At the end of the sessions, the participants signed a letter of engagement, where they commit to change their behavior and support health authorities in preventing and fighting COVID-19.